Fintech services

Fintech services

For Fintech companies BDO Law offers to deal with corresponding license obtaining process, since Fintech is usually subject to licensing as a crowdfunding, investment brokerage or alternative investment fund company. Additionally, the market demand for cryptocurrencies and other digital assets issues has led to complex legal issues relating to regulatory status. BDO Law can offer to introduce intelligence finance and other financial innovation products or encourage to be matured and brave enough to go for payment system settlements in digital currencies for consumers’ convenience.  

We also offer tailored legal compliance support to Fintech companies in the areas of data protection (GDPR) , intellectual property, consumer protection and product regulation, anti-money laundering (AML), employment and corporate law. Furthermore, commercial law relations with investors, business partners, suppliers, and customers have to be also compliant with legal requirements to ensure the safety of business.

BDO Law legal service resources are deployed so as to provide full coverage throughout the entire Fintech industry chain.


Raivis Leimanis

Associate Partner
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