Retail & Wholesale

Retail & Wholesale

For the last several years, retail and consumer product companies have competed in a rapidly evolving industry. International expansion, M&A, e-commerce, cybersecurity concerns, and changes in the supply chain have companies transforming their operations and business models to keep up with the latest developments.

It’s our job to stay on top of changes in the fast-paced retail sector. At BDO, we can help you embrace these opportunities and address the challenges. Using the combined knowledge and experience of our staff and partners, we can provide tailored audit, tax, and advisory services that go beyond traditional retail consulting to give you access to cutting-edge daily data and analytics.


Janis Zelmenis

Council Member. Attorney at Law
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Edgars Ragels

Corporate Finance and Valuation Director
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Raivis Janis Jaunkalns

Partner. Head of Audit and Assurance, Sworn Auditor
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Raivis Leimanis

Associate Partner
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Viesturs Briezkalns

Partner. Head of Business Services Outsourcing
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Vita Liberte

Managing Partner. Chairman of the Board. Attorney at Law
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