

Manufacturing remains one of the key industries for the global economy. In recent years, manufacturers have developed their position to cope with the threats from low-cost emerging countries, and manufacturers now aspire to provide excellent service supported by extensive R&D and innovation.

BDO's manufacturing group provides a full range of services to the entire industry. Whether you're expanding globally or considering an acquisition, we can help you with various business issues. In the complex world of manufacturing and distribution, we are well-versed in navigating the multifaceted terrain of accounting intricacies. Moreover, we possess a keen understanding of the regulatory and compliance hurdles that loom in every corner of your operational landscape.

With BDO by your side, you are armed with a partner that combines refined sophistication with deep industry insight, ensuring that you are well-prepared to conquer the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving manufacturing landscape.



Janis Zelmenis

Council Member. Attorney at Law
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Raivis Janis Jaunkalns

Partner. Head of Audit and Assurance, Sworn Auditor
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Raivis Leimanis

Associate Partner
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Viesturs Briezkalns

Partner. Head of Business Services Outsourcing
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Vita Liberte

Managing Partner. Chairman of the Board. Attorney at Law
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Edgars Ragels

Corporate Finance and Valuation Director
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