
Valuations may involve numbers, but number crunching is just part of the equation.  The real challenge is bringing together business, legal and technical knowledge, combined with research skills, to arrive at a valuation that all parties agree is fair.

When you need an independent valuation – accounting standards, litigation, commercial or tax purposes – our team of experts can help.
BDO’s valuations teams will give you a robust valuation no matter how complex the case or information involved. We also provide expert valuations for litigation purposes, matrimonial, professional negligence and assessment of loss and disputed transactions.

  • Valuations for accounting purposes,
  • ‘Fair Value’/independent expert reports
  • Intellectual property valuations
  • Commercial valuations
  • Valuations in the context of Business restructuring
  • Expert and litigation support work
  • Impairment tests
  • Price Purchase Allocation valuations
  • Tax valuations for inheritance tax, income tax purposes, including employee shares and share options

Edgars Ragels

Corporate Finance and Valuation Director
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