Knuts Kvisviks joins the BDO Latvia Board
Knuts Kvisviks joins the BDO Latvia Board
"Knut was born in Norway but has lived in Latvia for the last 27 years. Knut came to Latvia with the goal of establishing and developing the RIMI retail network in the Baltic States, which he achieved. In just 7 years, he and his team successfully established 40 stores in Latvia, 70 in Lithuania, and 5 in Estonia. Later, Knut worked on the development of various other retail projects until he founded his own company to advise businesses on successful development and profit promotion. Knut excels at putting structure and order in place to ensure that all involved achieve growth and meet their goals.
He expresses his thoughts on joining the BDO Latvia team: 'I am very honored and delighted to join the BDO Latvia team! Having worked in different European countries, I know how important the ability to communicate, understand local customs, and grasp business culture is for successful cooperation. That's why I am interested in joining the BDO team—to apply my acquired skills and seek a balance that will provide effective solutions for clients and contribute to the growth of BDO Latvia."